Thursday, May 13, 2010

05-13-2010 Air Miami

and I'm off...first a flight to Milwaukee for the American Institute for Conservation's annual conference, which occurs annually in various cities.  Currently I hold the position of Secretary/Treasurer of the Photographic Materials Group, a specialty group for photograph conservators.  We have decided to host our reception for the group at the Pabst Mansion (if you live in Philly, you'll be stoked about this.  PBR is a beer staple in this city).  I'm looking forward of delivering you some bizarre imagery from my trip there.  AND leg two of my trip involves a visit to Pittsburgh, where I will be seeing those puppies I mentioned a few months back.  More pictures to come, I promise.

While I hate to leave, I guess I have to get out of this city sometime.  And in light of my upcoming airport travel, I leave you will the Air Miami video for Airplane Rider.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ha! the pbr suite.