Thursday, April 29, 2010

04-29-2010 Charles Mingus

This week brought some rather sad news for Philadelphia.  After 30 years of business, Ortleibs JazzHaus closed its doors.   A rather brief article stated the reason to be due to the economy but I was just there on Saturday, one day before the doors officially closed, and it was full of people.
My friends and I started at happy hours (they had great specials) and a $5 food menu that provided me with the largest delicious salad known to man.  So much great music has gone through the doors at this fine establishment that it is a real shame to see it go.  Long lost like these rolls of film I have featured at the left, I bid farewell to Ortleibs.  Please Philadelphia developers, don't turn this fabulously charming venue into another trendy restaurant just because its in No Libs, no offense Steven Starr.   Signing off with a Charles Mingus video for Goodbye Pork Pie Hat.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

04-25-2010 Wild Sugar

 So, I went on a tour of the Philadelphia Brewery Company recently and I learned a lot about making beer but I also learned that my favorite PBC beers are either seasonal (Joe Porter) or a special limited edition run of this delicious Scotch Ale (NOTE TO PBC: if you're reading, please brew again.  thanks).  While I left empty handed, I learned that if I repeat the tour next fall, I will be able to purchase a case of Joe Porter all for my own (well, I'll share with friends).

I'm going to go out on a limb here with my musical connection and say that I chose Wild Sugar because sugar is a catalyst for yeast that is used in the fermentation process of beer, though honestly, its just been my current favorite spring time biking riding jam.  Either you go.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

04-21-2010 St. Etienne

Spring has finally arrived and with all of my travels and whatnot, I've neglected my blog.  But life has been busy and mysterious things have been happening in my life, so you should take my hiatus as a good sign.
To the left is proof of spring, taken in beautiful Rittenhouse Square .  I'm so happy to be able to eat my lunch outside again- it really makes my days so much more enjoyable. I like to get coffee from La Colombe or yogurt from Yogorino and sit in the park all day.  I often meet my friends before dance class, too.  Its the highlight of my warm weather seasons.

To celebrate spring, I'm going to choose a light hearted tune by St. Etienne appropriately titled "spring".  This is the Air France Remix version.