Wednesday, April 21, 2010

04-21-2010 St. Etienne

Spring has finally arrived and with all of my travels and whatnot, I've neglected my blog.  But life has been busy and mysterious things have been happening in my life, so you should take my hiatus as a good sign.
To the left is proof of spring, taken in beautiful Rittenhouse Square .  I'm so happy to be able to eat my lunch outside again- it really makes my days so much more enjoyable. I like to get coffee from La Colombe or yogurt from Yogorino and sit in the park all day.  I often meet my friends before dance class, too.  Its the highlight of my warm weather seasons.

To celebrate spring, I'm going to choose a light hearted tune by St. Etienne appropriately titled "spring".  This is the Air France Remix version.

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